The fact of the matter is, I have not missed all, during the 18 months I have been on sabbatical. (Trying to figure out if this is a good thing?? ...) So when the company , who retains me to handle the company's marketing (Mid-Coast Energy Systems) approached me with the idea of painting a 17 ft x 10 ft. mural of a waving American Flag on their new showroom wall....I was less than enthusiastic and in fact, felt a wave of major dread
. But I have a personal and professional interest in this company and it's people... I wanted to accomodate and add my signature to this wonderful project- an
interactive showroom promoting energy efficient systems. (Grand Opening June 11th 2012)
Read more »Labels: American Flag Mural at Mid-Coast Energy Systems Damaricotta Maine Artist on sabbatical Holly Haining Zulieve