There's a protest brewing. I can feel four bulging brown eyes boring a hole in the back of my head these days as I find no time for play or walks or anything but painting. The Pugs may soon start picketing with little signs around their big fat puggy necks that say things like "save us from neglectful selfish owner" or Briggs (the brains of the two) may figure out how to dial the local Animal Control to complain...they
are that spoiled. Even worse yet- Lily (the trouble maker of the two) may find something to chew up again...like the sofa or a favorite pillow... oh, I better go check - they are being really quiet....

It seems as though the entire summer takes place in August. This is the time of year when many people begin to drop off furniture to SeaWitch Studio and place orders for commission work. Everything from entire bedroom ensembles (the photo here is the top of a nightstand I accomplished last winter) to room size murals on canvas that I ship across the country.
Customers leave their orders and furniture with me now, and then pick it up when they return to Maine later, or arrange for shipping. Paintings, murals and furniture are planned, dreamed of and created here over the next several months.
With the heat and humidity of today, I still remember how the biting winter wind finds its way in and under my rattling barn windows... as it steals across frozen snow making its way up from the icy Medomak River. But inside- lots of activity always going on.
We have managed to get some sailing in on a couple of occassions...and will sneak it in somehow....
Labels: Andrew Zulieve sailing art painting maine wife